Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Getting Started

Getting started. Sometimes that’s the hardest hurdle to jump over in any project. Once the work begins though, it just flows. I am planning a redo of my master bathroom. The walls are prone to becoming moldy and it seems that part of the solution is to put a primer on that fights mold. I also think that perhaps the fan is not doing its’ job properly, but that is just a hunch on my part. I have found an inspiration room which I found on Rate My Space on HGTV.com. You can find it just by searching for haystack yellow on Google (that’s the wall color). I am fully planning to include many more details and pictures as I continue to write. I have to be patient, because I am very clearance conscious and will be on the hunt for the best deals. Sometimes the perfect item or fabric is something that I already own. I love it when that happens!

I would love to share with you my philosophy on decorating and subsequently house cleaning as it is eloquently stated by my 6 year old daughter that I will call Lulabelle. I have received the magazine “Romantic Homes” for the last 10 years and I have saved all of my copies and refer to them often. Just last night Lulabelle declared “I love Romantic Homes, the rooms are beautiful, and they are never messy, I am not very good at keeping my room clean, but I am very good at getting it messy!” I find inspiration when I thumb through decorating magazines, not only for color combinations, furniture arrangements, etc., but seeing all those serene and tidy rooms really helps me to get the dishes done!

It is fitting that I would share a story from one of my children’s perspective. I have named this blog for the cute ways my children look at life. Callapitter is how most of my children would refer to a caterpillar when they were very young. I love their innocence and wisdom all mixed together. They are teaching me and holding me accountable every day. I thank God for them and know that they are a gift from Him.

Well, getting started is done, now we will see if I am true to my word and the work of keeping you all up to date will just flow from here on out. I have great intentions, and I will so enjoy sharing what is in my heart. Until next time, God Bless.

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