Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Remembering is sometimes more tangible if we have visual reminders around us and yet, I strongly agree with the advice that memories are in the heart, not things. It is certainly a balance knowing what to keep and what to let go. My oldest son put hours and hours into a project for history class. It came home after being graded and there it sits in the living room. I am loath to throw it away. I somehow want to save it. I asked him what he wanted to do with it and he had the wonderful idea of taking a picture of it. This helps me part with it, but it still sits in my house. I will have to act eventually, but I am not ready yet.

I have surrounded myself and my family with things that have meaning. I was shopping with my mother when I spied this little wire cabinet. It had two charming doors that swung open and I loved it. I might have bought it for myself, or I might have thought that it was not in the budget and longingly left it behind. But it hangs in my house today because of my mother’s generosity and I am still drawn to it. My fondness is not merely for its visual aesthetic, but the warmth and love that I feel for my mother. It is strongly tied to how sensitive she is and to her giving heart.

Even what I have chosen to put in it, has strong sentiments. A miniature collie that belonged to my grandmother that has passed away, a tea cup that was found in an antique shop on a romantic trip with my husband, and a small doll that my brother gave me for Christmas. The doll is small and wears a little bit of lace around her chest as her only garment. He was very apologetic for her size and lack of clothes, but I love my little doll and would not change a thing about her. Once again, not for the doll itself, but for the smile I receive when I think of my brother.

My husband has given me some wonderful things for our home. Perhaps they are the most tightly woven into my homes’ décor. They may move from room to room, but I seem to always find a home for them. Each piece becomes a part of my history with him. He is my best friend.

Many people wonder what to put on their walls and what will make their rooms look perfect. I love beautiful things. Things that are just enjoyable to look at, and yet I think it is more about surrounding yourself with people. My house wraps its arms of love around me with memories. Not everything can have a special memory attached to it, but I fill in all the corners I can.

P.S. I have since put the project in the garage.

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